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Patient Resources

Wound Care

Taking Proper Care of your wound will ensure a more successful recovery.

For infants and toddlers, we recommend using Peroxyl for the first 4 days after each feeding to aid in the healing process. Peroxyl is a disinfectant oral cleanser that can be applied to the surgical area with a cotton swab. For older children, warm salt water rinses can be used to help expedite healing.

Proper Stretching

Stretches should be completed until the 2-week follow up appointment. Completing stretches is crucial to prevent reattachment. The best time to perform stretches is right before each feeding. For optimal results, stretches should be performed 4 to 6 times a day for several seconds each time. Minor bleeding may happen the first few days and is no cause for concern.

Maxillary (Labial) Lip Tie Stretches

  1. Place your finger under lip and lift the lip up until you feel resistance.
  2. Gently rub the area from side to side for several seconds.
  3. Saturate your index finger or a cotton swab with Peroxyl Oral Cleanser (after feedings) and rub on the area.

2 weeks after procedure

Stretches should be completed until the 2 week follow up appointment to prevent reattachment. The best time to perform stretches is right before each feeding and for optimal results, should be performed 4 to 6 times a day for several seconds each time. Minor bleeding may occur the first few days and is not cause for concern.

Mandibular (Lingual) Tongue Tie stretches

Push inward and lift tongue up in order to stretch the fold of the diamond (you may use a cotton tipped swab as an option). Stretch the opening and massage the wound. Improper stretching can cause the wound to reattach.

Proper Stretching Technique

Push inward and lift tongue up to stretch the fold of the diamond-shaped wound. You may also use cotton tip swabs to do this.

Stretch the opening and massage the wound.

Improper Stretching Technique

Improper stretching can cause the tissue to reattach. Please assure fingers are in the accurate areas when completing stretches.


  • Completing stretches are crucial to prevent reattachment.
  • Numbness will wear off within 2-3 hours after the procedure.
  • Don’t be alarmed if latching is difficult at first. You may have to help flange the upper lip especially while the lip is numb.
  • Tylenol/Ibuprofen may be given to help with discomfort (Ibuprofen if the child is 6 years+). Please follow dosing instructions on the bottle.
  • Wound(s) may appear white or yellowish which is not an indication of infection, full healing takes 2-3 weeks.
  • Stretches should be completed before each feeding. For optimal results, stretches should be performed 4 to 6 times a day for several seconds each time. Minor bleeding may happen the first few days and is not cause for concern.
  • Peroxyl Rinse, a disinfectant oral cleanser, is recommended for the first 4 days after each feeding to help with the healing process. Cotton swabs are provided to help with wound care.
  • Warm saltwater rinses can be used to help expedite the healing process for older children.
  • We recommend that stretches be completed up until your child’s 2-week follow up visit.

Reason to call after procedure

  • Excessive bleeding – if bleeding is continuous and is saturating gauze for 20 minutes.
  • Wound swelling

We will schedule a follow up appointment for 2 weeks after procedure.

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